Common English words in Igbo
Hello Everyone,
Long time no read I know. My apologies once again.
Today I will like us to look through common English words and their Igbo equivalents. I do hope you pick up a thing or two that will help in your overall understanding and subsequent speaking of the Igbo language.
- Stone Okwute (oh-kwu-te)
- Broom Aziza (ah-zi-za)
- Spoon Ngaji (n-ga-ji)
- Plate Efere (e-fe-re)
- Cup Iko (i-ko)
- Phone Ekwenti (e-kwe-n-ti)
- Mirror/eye glasses Ugebge (u-ge-gbe)
- Paper/book Akwukwo (ah-kwu-kwuh)
- Food Nni/Nri (n-nni)
- Water Mmiri (m-mi-ri)
- Forest Ohia (uh-hia)
- Market Ahia (ah-hia)
- Language Asusu (ah-su-su)
- World Uwa (u-wa)
- clothes Akwa (a-qua)
- Yam Ji (J-i)
- Rice Osikapa (oh-si-ka-pa)
- Beans Agwa (Ah-gw-ah)
- Soda/Juice Mmanya (m-ma-nya)
- Alcohol Mmanya oku (M-ma-nya o-ku)
- Chicken Okuko (o-ku-ko)
- Fish Azu (ah-zuh)
These are a few words that came to mind. Do list those English words you will like to know their Igbo equivalents in the comment section.
Thank you for reading..
Ka o di..
Nwa Ada
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