Letters of the Alphabet in Igbo (Abiidii Igbo)

Before one is able to learn a new language, two things must be learnt first and they are numbers (how to count) and letters of the alphabet without which no headway can be made into learning whatever language that is.

That being said, we will be looking to learn the letters of the alphabet in Igbo for today's mainstream lesson.

 Amazingly, there are no letters Q and X in the Igbo alphabets but some other letters appear instead.

Here we go...

Image culled from http://www.languagesgulper.com/eng/Igbo.html

These are the 36 letters of the Igbo alphabet with their attendant phonic sounds.

Attached here also, is a video to help you process the sounds better.

PS: Really sorry this post took a while. I hope to do better next time. In the meanwhile, sit back and enjoy Lessson 1 and don't forget to use the comment section for any questions or further clarifications :)

Ka o di



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